CCU30: A Podcast About Podcasting

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Mark and Aaron are joined by JD and Brendan from InSession Film Podcast to discuss the world of film podcasting. We talk about what led us to this new medium, how the community embraces and enhances it, and how much of an impact it has on our lives. We compare it to the terrestrial radio days, and marvel at how much more captivating “friends talking to each other” can be.

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Special Guest: JD Duran and Brendan Cassidy from InSession Film Podcast. You can find them on Twitter and Facebook.

Show notes:


0:00 – Intro & Welcome
2:10 – JD and Brendan’s Criterion Connection
11:15 – JD and Brendan on the recent Criterion releases
14:30 – Fat Girl recap
17:00 – Trust the West
19:00 – Podcasting Discussion

Where to Find Us:

Mark Hurne: Twitter | Letterboxd
Aaron West: Twitter | Blog | Letterboxd | Tumblr
Criterion Close-Up: Facebook | Twitter | Email

Posted on March 2, 2016, in Podcast. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Very entertaining podcast. I thought Brendan’s comments on the retro feel of podcasts was dead on. Satellite radio and Clear Channel buying out local radio stations nationwide has made radio very impersonal. Podcasts are like acoustic covers of our favorite songs.

  2. A lot of great info here. Even though I’ve been a guest on a few podcasts, I had no idea how much behind-the-scenes work there is.

    If I know someone who’s going to start their own podcast, I will send them here! 🙂

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